I’m back

November 6, 2012 at 4:25 pm | Posted in 2012 Campaign, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Election Day, Mitt Romney, Republican Party | 10 Comments

So I’ve been locked away in a library for 2 1/2 years finishing a premedical program at Columbia. I haven’t followed politics as closely as I used to and felt that I would be doing a disservice to readers by blogging if I wasn’t consuming news the way I had as a news producer, which was a la Garfield downing a plate of lasagna. But I have been nibbling away at some of the election news lately. And as much as the national polls show a dead heat between the Republican version of Al Gore and Barack Obama, my money is on Obama to pull this one out. Here are the two scenarios I predict Obama will get to 270 electoral votes — with and without Ohio, assuming Romney takes Florida:

Path to the White House if Obama Takes Ohio

Path to the White House if Romney takes Ohio

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